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Av: Perfekthälsa

Hej Linda,

Tyvärr är det inte så enkelt eftersom barns organ är under utveckling och deras tarmflora ser något annorlunda ut än hos en vuxen individ. Jag hade även undvikit alla spannmål. Ni kan få stärkelse från sötpotatis, lite vitt ris samt rotfrukter.

När det gäller probiotika i form av tillskott till barn kan man sammanfatta forskningen till (på engelska från tidskriften Pediatrics:

1. Human milk, a natural prebiotic, is preferred for infants through 6 months of age.The oligosaccharide content of human milk is substantial and is part of the prebiotic components of the human milk.
Breastfed infants typically have a preponderance of naturally occurring probiotic bacteria in their digestive systems. There may be some naturally occurring probiotic bacteria contained in human
2. There is some evidence in otherwise healthy infants and young children to support the use of probiotics early in the course of diarrhea from acute viral gastroenteritis and that use of probiotics
reduces its duration by 1 day. However, the available evidence does not support the routine use of probiotics to prevent infectious diarrhea unless there are special circumstances. There is some
evidence to support the use of probiotics to prevent antibioticassociated diarrhea but no evidence that it is beneficial for treatment.
3. Although the results of some studies support the prophylactic use of probiotics during pregnancy and lactation and during the first 6 months of life in infants who are at risk of atopic disorders, further confirmatory evidence is necessary before a recommendation for routine use can be made.
4. There is some evidence to support the use of probiotics to prevent NEC in preterm infants with a birth weight of 1000 g or higher. However, the amount and specificity of which probiotic or mixture of probiotics to use is problematic, given the many unanswered questions from a review of the available literature. Furthermore, many of the probiotics used and cited in the literature for treatment in preterm infants are not readily available.
5. At the present time, the sustained or long-term benefit of using probiotics for treating disorders such as Crohn disease, IBS, constipation, and extraintestinal infections requires further RCTs and cannot be recommended in children. There may benefit for treating H pylori infections, CUC, and infantile colic with probiotics in childhood, but further studies are necessary.
6. Long-term health benefits of probiotics in the prevention of cancer, allergy, or other diseases or providing sustained beneficial results on the developing immune system beyond early infancy remain to be
7. Addition of probiotics to powdered infant formulas has not been demonstrated to be harmful to healthy term infants. On the other hand, evidence of clinical efficacy for their addition is insufficient to recommend the routine use of these formulas. No RCTs have directly compared the health benefits of feeding human milk versus infant formula supplemented with probiotics
8- Probiotics should not be given to children who are seriously or chronically ill until the safety of administration has been established.
9. Prebiotics may prove to be beneficial in reducing common infections and atopy in otherwise healthy children. However, confirmatory studies, especially in children fed formula that is not partially hydrolyzed, are needed before any recommendations can be made.
10. Addition of oligosaccharides as prebiotics to infant formula is not unreasonable but lacks evidence demonstrating clinical efficacy at this time. Cost/benefit studies are also necessary to support their
addition to infant formulas.
11. Important questions remain in establishing the clinical applications for probiotics, including the optimal duration of probiotic administration as well as preferred microbial dose and species. The
long-term impact on the gut microflora in children is unknown. It also remains to be established whether there is significant biological benefit in the administration of probiotics during pregnancy and lactation, with direct comparison to potential biological benefit derived from probiotic-containing infant formulas. Similar questions exist for the use of prebiotics.

Jag håller inte med om allt och det finns studier som visar ex att gravida som tar tillskott av probiotika får barn med färre allergier: ex. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8474017- Dessutom ger man barn probiotika under GAPS: http://gapsdiet.com/uploads/Probiotics.pdf. Den här studien visar att barn som fått en specifik stam fick signifikanta förbättringar gällande ”atopic eczema-dermatitis syndrome”.

Vad hade jag gjort. Jag hade börjat med att ta bort spannmål och sett hur din son reagerade på det under 3 månader. Om han fortfarande får återkommande atopiska eksem. Återkom så ska jag ta detta vidare med duktiga personer. Har ni provat med Eskimo-3 till honom?

Jag kommer att skriva om cerealier framöver. Håll utkik, eller ännu hellre, prenumerera på inlägg så får du dem direkt till din e-post.

Tack för dina vänliga ord.

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